10 Basic Principles of Good Parenting


  • Respect your child. Listen to him.
  • Avoid comparisons – with siblings, friends, relatives etc.
  • Make promises only which you can keep !
  • Do not give threats which you can’t implement.
  • Maintain consistency in reward and punishment pattern.
  • Practice what you preach ! Maintain self discipline and respect of law to demonstrate this to your child. e.g. – respecting elders, following traffic rules, having a daily schedule etc.
  • Your behaviour is the best way of telling and teaching your child what is expected of him.
  • Appreciate the child in public, but criticize him individually in isolation.
  • Ensure your child knows, that you are always available for him whenever essential.
  • Never make child the ‘judge’ for arguments among parents. Parents should respect each other if they expect the child to respect them.
  • Pray regularly and have at least one meal together.
    Happy Parenting !

Stress Management In Day-to-day Life

StressGrowing professional commitments many a times result in increased levels of stress. This stress in turn affects the quality of life of the individual and his family. Delegation of responsibility to your trusted aids is very important to deal with this stress in an effective manner. This will ensure lower stress levels and also will give you adequate time and peace of mind to enjoy the fruits of your success and your money!

All of us should try and make a list and a timetable of things to be done everyday. All of us know it helps, but very few actually take efforts to make it a daily habit.

After making the list, try and rehearse the list and the time schedule in your mind. It will take hardly a couple of minutes, but it will ensure that your mind is aware of this schedule for the entire day. Try doing it from now itself and experiencethe difference it makes to the quality of your life!!

Managing your time and day-to-day stress is an art. While deciding on the policy you would like to adopt for dealing with stressful situations in your routine life, try to adopt someof the effective methods used by some of your friends and implement them as a part of your strategy.

This may help you to deal with your stress in a more effective way.

10 basic principles of managing your anger

Anger Management

Many people are known to have anger outburst or time at again. These people because of there anger out burst, land up themselves in various difficult situations. These are the basic principles of controlling & managing your anger.

  • Try and identify the events and the things which make you angry commonly.
  • Try to stay away from events & things which make you angry. And if it is not possible, try to identify ways of getting the same things done in some other way.
  • Whenever you start becoming aware that you are going to angry, try to walk away from that situation and stay away that situation till the episodes went away. So that the situation will not worsen further.
  • You can learn various psychological technics like relaxation technics which may be helpful for controlling your anger. You can learn these technics from a psychiatrists or a psychologists.
  • If you feel you have a personality profile which is don’t for anger out burst, try to stay away from the situations & the events which can precipitate these anger out burst.
  • Whenever you are going to angry take few moments and ask yourselves few questions like do you need to get angry at all, what is the reason for you get angry? If you get angry, are you going to benefit or are you going to loose? If you get angry, are you going to insult or disturb or trouble people around you who care for you. try to consider these facts and control your anger to the extent possible.
  • It will be good for people who get angry to get involve various hobbies and some physical games like football or other games where they went out their aggression & probably your positive development to their anger out burst.
  • Start maintaining the ‘anger diary’. The anger Diary helps you to note down the events and situations which cause anger out burst & discuss with an expert methods of dealing with this anger out burst.
  • These are the few of principles which are helpful in general. The best principle still says remains the same which has been taught to us by great grandmother or the grandmother, try to count 1-10 before expressing the anger. It is one of the most effective method of doing it.
  • I think you are not able to control anger with these stage, probably talking to your psychiatrist may be helpful.

Ensure good memories for your child….

Ensure good memories  for your child....

While interacting with your child, always remember that the events, situations and the way you respond to them, are going to be an important part of your child’s observation and long term memory.

He / she is going to relish or store these memories for entire life.

So, ensure that you try and give your child as many good memories as possible. Good experiences and their good memories will enrich the personality of your child and in turn will make him / her a much better person, as you expect.

Small things do matter….

Most of us don’t give adequate importance to the small routine things in our life. They can be like- speaking nicely to your spouse, parents and children, taking a small break or holiday with them once in-a-while etc.

Ensure that you have at least a few minutes of friendly chat daily with all your family members, e.g. Telling your wife that she is looking beautiful, expressing care for your parents, playing for a while with your children etc.

All these small things have a much wider impact on your life. These small things in turn make everybody’s life much beautiful than one can imagine.