Does your family member or somebody you know have these problems?
Are you feeling depressed?
Managing marital and interpersonal problems
Mood fluctuations & anger outbursts….are these your problems?
Lifestyle clip (marathi)
Student Stress Management Clip
10 Basic Principles of Good Parenting
- Respect your child. Listen to him.
- Avoid comparisons – with siblings, friends, relatives etc.
- Make promises only which you can keep !
- Do not give threats which you can’t implement.
- Maintain consistency in reward and punishment pattern.
- Practice what you preach ! Maintain self discipline and respect of law to demonstrate this to your child. e.g. – respecting elders, following traffic rules, having a daily schedule etc.
- Your behaviour is the best way of telling and teaching your child what is expected of him.
- Appreciate the child in public, but criticize him individually in isolation.
- Ensure your child knows, that you are always available for him whenever essential.
- Never make child the ‘judge’ for arguments among parents. Parents should respect each other if they expect the child to respect them.
- Pray regularly and have at least one meal together.
Happy Parenting !
Presentation on career at Social Collage

Presentation on career
Presentation on career at Dayanand Collage
Presentation on career at Dayanand Collage, Solapur on 17/03/2015.

Presentation on career